Our Services


If you would like to refer a patient to participate in one of our research studies, please review the inclusion/exclusion criteria below.  Contact Munazza Malik (research coordinator) at 201-343-6676 for more information.

Our epileptologists and research team actively strive to find better ways of managing epilepsy and improving the lives of our patients.  We are currently enrolling patients in several epilepsy treatment research projects conducted by our team of doctors, neuropsychologists, nurses and epilepsy advocates.

Our open clinical studies are listed below.  Inclusion and exclusion criteria can be reviewed here.

To enroll a patient in one of our ongoing open clinical studies, please contact us at 201-343-6676 and ask for Munazza Malik (research coordinator). 

• Enrolling Now:

1. An Open-Label, Safety and Tolerability Study of Chronic Intermittent Use of Diazepam Nasal Spray in Adolescents and Adults with Seizure Clusters.

2. An Open-Label, Randomized, Crossover Pharmacokinetic study to determine relative Bioavailability, Safety and Tolerability of  Single Doses of Diazepam Nasal Spray Versus Diazepam Rectal Gel (Diastat) in patients with Refractory Epilepsy.

3. A Multicenter, Randomized, double-blind, parallel group, placebo- controlled trial of two fixed doses of ZX008 (Fenfluramine hydrochloride) oral solution as an adjunctive therapy in children and young adults with Dravet Syndrome.

4. An Evaluation of Epilepsy and Women's health issues

• On-going Trials Not Enrolling:

1. A Multicenter, Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy and Safety of Ganaxolone as Adjunctive Therapy for Adults with Drug-Resistant Partial-Onset Seizures Followed by Long-term Open-Label Treatment


