Stay tuned for epilepsy on the move: There are exciting activities in the works and coming up soon.
Although much of the world has gone virtual this past year, there are still plenty of activities going on in the epilepsy community. Check them out below.
March 24-26: Homeschooled Virtual Epilepsy Conference
On March 24-26, the Anita Kaufman Foundation will be hosting Purple Day around the world: Homeschooled Virtual Epilepsy Conference
Keynote Speaker: Robert Trobliger, Ph.D. (Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group)
This conference is for persons with epilepsy, loved ones, and caregivers
What will the conference cover?
- Learn about the latest epilepsy treatments
- Meet and virtual visit with others just like you
- Get homeschooled on topics across the epilepsy spectrum
- Leave your contact information with our sponsors and exhibitors to stay in touch about products and services they offer
- Win great prizes
- Homeschool each other on how to dress to impress, Purple Day® style in a purple costume contest
- Hear from people with epilepsy JUST LIKE YOU -- our bloggers and epilepsy network are working hard to bring you the freshest content.
To register click here (or cut and paste into your browser):
March 2, 2021: Grand Rounds at Englewood Hospital:
Dr. Eric Segal, Director of Pediatric Epilepsy at the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group has been invited to give Grand Rounds at Englewood Hospital on March 2nd at 8:15AM.
June 5, 2021: Walk to End Epilepsy
Location: All over the USA!
Although this last year has been one for the books, one thing that is going to happen regardless (even if a bit different than before) is the Walk to END EPILEPSY.
It won't be held in Washington, DC as it has in the past. Instead, it is being reimagined because this year, it will be held across the nation. Teams of family and friends will hit the streets, trails, and treadmills everywhere they live. This year everyone who joins will be participating in the 2.6 Million Mile Challenge.
November is Epilepsy Awareness Month in the USA.
In November, we have 30 days to raise awareness and celebrate those living with epilepsy! There are many ways to do this including attending a webinar or lecture on epilepsy that month, choosing to drop in on an epilepsy support group, spreading information on epilepsy by distributing fliers, dressing up in purple and wearing an "Ask me about epilepsy" T-shirt, and much more. Your imagination is limitless, use it.