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New Program: Book Club for Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group Patients

As part of our Wellness Program, NEREG will be launching an on-line epilepsy-theme Book Club this spring!  The plan is to read a book every three months, then “meet” online to talk about it: your impressions, opinions, critiques.  You are also able to call in by phone if you do not have a computer.  Books will be selected based on their relevance to epilepsy, such as books that have a fictional or non-fictional character with epilepsy.  Our first book is The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman.  This book tells the true story of the clash between a small hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy.  This eye-opening tale raises interesting issues with respect to how seizures are viewed and treated in minority cultures, particularly with regard to the use of anti-epileptic medication.

Please email if you are interested in participating so that we can determine a good meeting time and provide you beforehand with discussion questions.

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