Conference testimonials
1. The conference was great! I am a nurse and work with children who have seizure disorders in a pre- school for special needs children. I will look forward to your next conference as will other nurses I work with. Thank you again, Carolyn Toth
2. One of the sessions with the video presentations of sleep eeg monitoring of complicated cases will definitely help a lot of medical people about evaluations. Umakantha Sannesy
3. Words can\'t express how overwhelmed I was attending the Conference. (In a good way) Here in Rockland County for 40 yrs there\'s been just an office with the name Epilepsy something or other. The one or two people in the office could never answer any questions or guide you to anyone who could give you information. (My son was diagnosed with Epilepsy 40 yrs ago). I was a young mother scared to death. So you can imagine when I went to the Conference how I felt. It was as perfect as perfect could be. It was just wonderful I loved it. Words can\'t express how grateful I am that you\'ve brought this issue out of the closet, brought every type of professional associated with Epilepsy together in one place and gave such support to those who have epilepsy and their families.
Thank you so much for your wonderful work. I\'m so glad that I can access the presentations via an internet site.
Thanks so much - Best Wishes, Jackie Delaney
PS From Jackie regarding a future conference: Oh, I\'ll be there - wouldn\'t miss it!! It\'s such a pleasure and I feel secure knowing that this wonderful organization exists with such dedicated people like you (Ann Marie Bezuyen) and those I met at the Conference. Thanks again, Jackie
Other testimonials
- Summer Camp - Jennifer Johnson
- Summer Camp - Ann Stocknoff
- Summer Camp - Olivia Harper
- What the Life Link Support Group Means to Me!
- My experience in the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group Support group
- Not Alone Anymore