Epilepsy Information

Research medications

• Type of research medications:
  - The ones that are not already approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration-government agency)
  - The ones that are approved, but a new indication is being tested (e.g. the drug was approved for one type of epilepsy and it is being tested for another).

• Types of research studies:
  - Open label: patients know what they are taking
  - Placebo, double blind: placebo patients and doctors and “blinded”, they do not know whether they are prescribing/receiving the real medication or a sugar pill that looks like the medication. Most of the research studies for medications that are not approved by the FDA are tested in this way in order to study the real effect of the mediation.

• What questions should I ask the doctor?
  - Why is it beneficial for me to consider this medication?
  - What are the potential side effects of this medication?
  - If the medication works, will I be able to obtain it after the study is completed?
  - Do I get any compensation for participating in the study?
