Epilepsy Information



The goal for everyone with epilepsy is, “no seizures, and no side effects.”  We see this posted or talked up on just about every website that is either dedicated to or offers information on the subject.  Ongoing research is what is needed to develop that sought after cure.  Many organizations that strictly offered services to persons with epilepsy and their families in the past have now delved into the area of research.  Many major medical centers and comprehensive epilepsy centers are engaged in research.  You may be on e-lists of agencies that send you information about their research projects, and some solicit donations.  Patients can also participate in clinical trials of therapies for epilepsy, and feel that supporting research is their small way of becoming part of the solution.  They are often gratified for the opportunity to be able to help. 

A good deal of research targets specific areas of investigation such as diagnostic tools, new targeted treatments, genetics and quality of life issues, to name a few.  An AED Pregnancy Registry has been working for years to successfully measure the incidence of fetal risk when the mother is taking anti-seizure medication.

Below are some sites to follow.

• Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group Research

• National Institutes of Neurological Diseases and Stroke Research Page

• Epilepsy Foundation Research Page

• Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE)


