Events & News


Epilepsy on the Move: Stay tuned for upcoming epilepsy and seizure disorder events and news in the second half of 2020

Stay tuned for upcoming epilepsy and seizure disorder events and news in mid-2020 because there are several activities coming up that you may want to take note of.   

Upcoming events in 2020:

April 18, 2020:

The National Walk for Epilepsy will be held in Washington, DC on this day.  In the past Team Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group has marched in this important walk.  We would love to know if any of our readers are planning on attending so we can spread the word and help you with fundraising.

June 18, 2020:
Dr. Eric Segal will be speaking in Fort Worth, Texas at the 2020 Dravet Syndrome Foundation (DSF) Biennial Family & Professional Conference  

June 5, 2020:

Drs. Lorna Myers and Julia Doss will present in a webinar hosted by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.  Title: Conversion (Functional Neurological) Disorders in Children and Adults: How to Treat Them Effectively

July, 2020:
Drs. Robert Trobliger and Lorna Myers will travel to Prague, Czech Republic to lecture at the International Congress of Psychology.

October 24:
Glow Walk and Run for Epilepsy organized by the Epilepsy Services of New Jersey (part of the Epilepsy Alliance of America). Time: 2pm to 6PM at Liberty State Park, 200 Morris Pesin Drive, Jersey City, NJ;events&rciv=evn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiws-C6h8rnAhXNct8KHckMBxkQ5bwDMAB6BAgLEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htidocid=k3GZVDRgSvFGdn2JJpA8-A%3D%3D&htivrt=events&sxsrf=ACYBGNT4OOZxrunljhoUm9jooDUBxG3C7A:1581443320394


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