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Memory remediation program: Neuropsychologist, Dr. Robert Trobliger is offering a memory remediation program for persons living with epilepsy and seizures.

One of the most frequent complaints that the epilepsy doctor hears from patients regarding cognition is about memory loss.  Problems with memory can be felt day to day in things such as forgetting to take medications, missing appointments, or misplacing important items such as keys or paperwork.  Some patients also report that they have difficulties with word finding ("I know what I want to say, but just can't seem to come up with the right word"), language comprehension ("I have trouble understanding what I've read) or paying attention ("I find myself zoning out when watching T.V. or having a conversation with a friend").  But by far, memory problems are the most noticeable concern in epilepsy.  

There are several reasons for these memory problems in epilepsy:

• Discharges in the brain during or in between seizures can disrupt thinking and memory.

• Memory can also be disrupted if the location of the seizure focus is near the "memory centers."

• Medications can have side effects that disrupt thinking and memory.

• Depression and anxiety can further alter thinking and memory. 

How does memory remediation work? In a nutshell, it does the following:

• Educates the patient on how memory works and how epilepsy affects it.

• Helps the patient develop and to use compensatory memory techniques as a routine.

• Helps the patient understand her/his mental strengths and weaknesses so she/he can learn to rely more on the strengths.

• Improve attention, planning, organization, and time management skills.

Starting in March of 2023, Dr. Robert Trobliger who is a clinical neuropsychologist will be offering a program that provides strategies for addressing memory problems. The program includes 4 sessions with brief pre-and post-testing of memory functions.  In these sessions, patients will learn tools and strategies each week that can be used in their daily lives and then checked for efficacy the following week.  

If you would like to learn more about this program, Contact Sonya Capers at 212-661-7467.


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