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Is a patient diagnosed with epilepsy after having a single seizure? - Epilepsy Survey

During this quarter, we asked website visitors to tell us how much they know about epilepsy by asking when is a diagnosis of epilepsy given - IS A DIAGNOSIS OF EPILEPSY GIVEN AFTER A SINGLE SEIZURE?

Is a patient diagnosed with epilepsy after having a single seizure?

The right answer is that a patient is only diagnosed with epilepsy after having had 2 or more unprovoked seizures.  One seizure does not automatically point to epilepsy (up to 10% of people worldwide have one seizure during their lifetimes and many may never have another one after that). “Unprovoked seizures” simply means that the seizure was not caused by something such as alcohol withdrawal for example.  

We received 50 votes

22% thought that someone would be diagnosed with epilepsy after having a single seizure while 78% thought they would not.  The majority was right and show that epilepsy education is reaching far and wide.  


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